Loengusari „Kahe kõrva vahel“: What drives and shapes ‘emotional attention’?

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Kertu Saar

Alustab uus psühholoogiateemaliste loengute sari „Kahe kõrva vahel“!

15. detsembril kell 12.15 peab Göttingeni Ülikooli professor Annekathrin Schacht sarja raames esimese avaliku loengu „What drives and shapes ‘emotional attention’?“. Seekordne loeng toimub inglise keeles, Näituse 2 ruumis 112 (NB! Ruumimuutus!). Oodatud on kõik huvilised.

Loengu sissejuhatuseks ütleb prof. Schacht järgmist:

Stimuli carrying content of emotional and motivational relevance typically gain prioritized processing. This prioritized processing has been functionally linked to automatic attention capture, which is therefore often referred to as emotional (or motivated) attention. Processing advantages range across distinct processing stages from early sensory encoding to higher-order stimulus appraisal and are (often) manifested in behavior. In my talk, I will present a series of studies examining the boundary conditions under which stimuli can acquire and deploy enhanced relevance. With a focus on event-related brain potentials (ERPs), peripheral and behavioral measures, I will emphasize both the commonalities and distinctive features of the different sources and types of relevance assumed to drive prioritized processing. Implications for a better understanding of the complex interplay of attention, emotion, and motivation as prerequisites for adaptive behavior will be discussed.

Anne Schacht külastab Eestit Martin Kolnese doktoritöö oponendina. Doktoritöö „Appraisal driven modulation of attention control“ tuleb kaitsmisele 16. detsembril kell 16 Näituse 2 ringauditooriumis.

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