Loengusari „Kahe kõrva vahel“: Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging

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30. augustil kell 10.30 peab kaasprofessor Yannick Stephan Montpellieri Ülikoolist loengusarja „Kahe kõrva vahel“ raames avaliku loengu teemal „Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging“.

Loeng toimub inglise keeles, Näituse 2 ruumis 121. Oodatud on kõik huvilised. 

Loengu sissejuhatuseks ütleb loengupidaja järgmist:

This presentation aims to summarize our research on the (reciprocal) relationships between personality and health and cognition in old age. Specifically, the implications of personality for markers of biological health, physical and cognitive functions, as well as recent findings on the potential mechanisms explaining these associations will be reviewed. In addition, the extent to which these factors are related to personality development will be examined.

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