Awards and acknowledgements received by members of the Institute of Psychology



Marina Roosimäe received the Institute's Best Supporting Staff Award of 2023.



The school psychology studies in Pärnu were named as one of the University of Tartu academic achievements of the year 2023.

Annika Tamme received the Institute's Most Socially Active Employee Award of 2023.

At the National Contest for University Students, many of our students' works were once again awarded:

  • Helen Hallik - 1st prize in social sciences at the bachelor's level for the work “Perception of the mean position of objects” (supervisors: Jüri Allik, Aire Raidvee, Richard Naar)
  • Irmeli Kokmann - 1st prize in social sciences at the bachelor's level for the work “Conflicts between three-year-olds and their parents” (supervisors: Tiia Tulviste, Jane Kuperjanov)
  • Anna Karolin - commendation for the bachelor's level work “When and how to nudge citizens to go digital, a randomized controlled field trial” (supervisor: Andero Uusberg)
  • Anna Dadatskaja - commendation for the bachelor's level work “The relationship between mismatch negativity and personality” (supervisors: Kairi Kreegipuu, Nele Põldver)
  • Keiti Liivas - 1st prize in social sciences at the master's level for the work “Associations between bipolar disorder polygenic risk scores and bipolar disorder in patients with first major depressive disorder episode” (supervisor: Kelli Lehto)
  • Kadi Reintam - 1st prize in social sciences at the master's level for the work “Developmental Trajectories of Disordered Eating at the Age of 11–16 Years and Their Associations with Disordered Eating Risk Factors” (supervisors: Kärol Soidla, Kirsti Akkermann)
  • Liis Themas - special prize of the Ministry of Education and Research at the doctoral level for the work “The development of the mismatch response in preschool children: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis” (supervisors: Pärtel Lippus, Marika Padrik, Kairi Kreegipuu)

Andero Uusberg was awarded the Badge of Distinction of the University of Tartu.

Tiia Tulviste was nominated for the Lifetime National Research Award for her long-term research and development work.

René Mõttus was nominated for the Yearly National Research Award in the field of social sciences.

Triin Liin, Signe Reppo and the Institute of Psychology of the University of Tartu were recognized as a long-time cooperation partner at the 25th anniversary conference of Euroguidance Estonia “Navigating in the labyrinth of professionalism. Career specialist identity conference”.

Kertu Ird received the Institute's Best Supporting Staff Award of 2023.


Andero Uusberg was selected as the 2022 lecturer of the year of the University of Tartu in the field of social sciences!

Talis Bachmann was nominated for the Lifetime National Research Award.

Andero Uusberg was nominated for the Yearly National Research Award in the field of social sciences.

Uku Vainik received the Institute's Most Socially Active Employee Award of 2022.

Andero Uusberg with colleagues Kristjan Pulk and Leonore Riitsalu received an award for promoting research cooperation between institutes for the article “How am I doing financially compared to expectations? An experimental comparison of messaging strategies in investor newsletters”.

The best of entrepreneurship- and career education were recognized at the conference of the Edu & Tegu program:

  • Best promoter of entrepreneurship- and career education 2022 (outstanding nominee) - Signe Reppo and Triin Liin, UT Institute of Psychology
  • Best of the Year 2022 (outstanding nominee) - Lilian Ariva, team leader of the Edu and Tegu program at the University of Tartu

Our students were successful in the National Contest for University Students:

  • Liisi Promet - 1st prize at the bachelor's level with the paper “A comparative analysis of empirical theories of consciousness” (supervisor: Talis Bachmann)
  • Loretta Aganits - 3rd prize at the bachelor's level with the paper “Uses of music in everyday life” (supervisor: Marika Rauk)
  • Maria Krajuškina - 1st prize at the master's level with the competition paper “Eyewitness identification accuracy and confidence in simultaneous and sequential video and photo lineups for single- and double-perpetrator crimes” (supervisor: Annegrete Palu)

Kairi Kreegipuu received the University of Tartu Medal.

Marika Rauk received the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu”.

Kertu Saar received the Institute's Best Supporting Staff Award of 2022.

Anu Realo was elected a member of Academia Europaea.

Anu Realo was elected to the Scientific Advisory Committee of the World Values Survey Association.

Kirsti Akkermann, Liisi Ausmees, Kariina Laas, Anni Tamm, Pirko Tõugu and Helen Uusberg were added to the Portal to Excellent Women Academics AcademiaNet.


The opening of our new curriculum "Applied Behavioural Science" (lead by Andero Uusberg) received the Act of the Year Award from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tartu.

Kariina Laas received the Institute's Most Socially Active Employee Award of 2021.

Our students were successful in the National Contest for University Students:

  • Kadi Reintam - 1st prize in the field of social sciences, at the bachelor's level, with the paper “Relationships between the changes in the symptoms of eating disorders with diagnostic categories, anxiety and depression” (supervisors: Kärol Soidla, Kirsti Akkermann)
  • Triinu Ojalo - 1st prize at the master's level with the paper “Depression and antidepressant use in connection with the genetic risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease” (supervisor: Kelli Lehto)
  • Helo Liis Soodla - 2nd prize at the master's level with the paper “Towards dimensional classification of psychopathology: a latent profile analysis of personality traits” (supervisor: Kirsti Akkermann)

PhD student Helo Liis Soodla received the University of Tartu Medal and Associate Professor Kirsti Akkermann and Lecturer Kariina Laas received the University of Tartu Badge of Distinction.

Academic Affairs Specialist Marju Tammiste received the Institute's Best Supporting Staff Award of 2021.

Our courses "Social Psychology" (Toivo Aavik) and "Multiculturalism, Learning and Work Migration in the Context of Career Development" (Margit Rammo) received an e-course quality mark.


Iiris Tuvi in collaboration with Jaanus Harro, Evelyn Kiive, Talis Bachmann and Mariliis Vaht received an award for promoting research cooperation between institutes for the article “Associations of attention distractivity with attention deficit and with variation in the KTN1 gene”.

An article on influencing human behavior through nudging by Andero Uusberg and colleagues won the Journal of Behavioral Public Administration's Best Article of the Year 2020 Award.

Andero Uusberg received the Institute's Most Socially Active Employee Award of 2020.

Uku Vainik was nominated for the National Research Award.

Kariina Laas was nominated by the students for the title of Lecturer of the Year at the University of Tartu.

Our students were awarded at the National Contest for University Students:

  • Karl Must - 1st prize at the bachelor's level for the work “The Relationships between Trait Mindfulness and Objective Measures of Emotional Reactivity: LPP Amplitude, Skin Conductance Response and Corrugator Supercilii Activity” (supervisor: Helen Uusberg)
  • Linda Ranne - 1st prize at the bachelor's level for the work “Emotion regulation decisions – comparison of preferences, effectiveness and choice dynamics of reappraisal and distraction” (supervisors: Helen Uusberg, Andero Uusberg)
  • Teele Möldre - 1st prize at the master's level for the work “Depression and anxiety symptoms and problematic smartphone use in adolescence: the role of social support and gender differences” (supervisor: Kariina Laas)
  • Liina Juuse - 2nd prize at the master's level for the work The relationship between visual and verbal information and emotion processing: reports from EEG and self-assessment (supervisors: Kairi Kreegipuu, Nele Põldver)

Väino Vaske received the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu”.

Tiit Mogom received the Institute's Best Supporting Staff Award of 2020.

Toivo Aavik received the Margo Wilson article award.

Annegrete Palu received a grant for good teaching from the University of Tartu. With the support of the grant, lecturers can research and develop their teaching.

Gerly Tamm received the Student Research Award Honorable Mention at the APS (Association for Psychological Science 32nd Annual Convention) conference with her poster presentation “Present Vs Past Diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder: Differences in Recognition of Emotional Schematic Facial Expressions in Working Memory”.

Kairi Kreegipuu was elected to the Senate of the University of Tartu as a representative of the field of social sciences.

Tiia Tulviste and Kairi Kreegipuu were nominated by the Estonian Research Council as members of AcademiaNet, a portal for top female researchers.

Jüri Allik received the Lifetime National Research Award.


Kairi Kreegipuu received the Institute's Most Socially Active Employee Award of 2019.

At the National Contest for University Students, the students of our institute were awarded again:

  • Helen Uusberg - commendation at the doctoral level in the field of social sciences and culture for the work “Studying the psychological mechanisms of affective individual differences with EEG correlates” (supervisors: Jüri Allik, Kairi Kreegipuu)
  • Kärt Puusepp - 3rd prize at the bachelor's level in the field of health research for the work Emotion Regulation Related Changes in Corrugator Supercilii Activity and Skin Conductance Response: A Comparison of Distraction and Focused Breathing (supervisors: Helen Uusberg, Andero Uusberg)
  • Riin Tark - 3rd prize at the master's level in the field of health research for the work The effect of Triumf mobile health game on psychological well-being and health-related quality of life among pediatric cancer patients: A pilot study (supervisors: Kadri Haljas, Kirsti Akkermann)
  • Karina Loid (Raudsik) - special award of the President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences “For a promising flash” at the bachelor's level for the work “Do on-screen reminders of current usage reduce smartphone usage time or count and self-reported problematic smartphone use? Evidence from a two-month experiment”

Annegrete Palu and Andero Uusberg were nominated for the title of Lecturer of the Year at the University of Tartu by the students of the institute.

Kirsti Akkermann was elected as Vice Dean for Research and Development in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tartu.

Uku Vainik was elected Visiting Professor at McGill University.

Kairi Kreegipuu was elected Visiting Professor at the University of Latvia.

René Mõttus was elected as Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Personality.

Kertu Saar received the Institute's Best Supporting Staff Award of 2019.


The students of our institute were recognized at the National Contest for University Students:

  • Aire Mill - 1st prize in the field of social sciences and culture for the doctoral thesis “Exploring the role of personality traits and age in the experience and recognition of emotions” (supervisors: Anu Realo, Jüri Allik)
  • Dmitri Rozgonjuk - 3rd prize in the category of doctoral students in health sciences for the work “Relationships between problematic smartphone use, severity of depression and anxiety symptoms, and objectively measured smartphone use during one week”

Anu Realo was elected as an academician of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

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