Vanemuise 46
51003 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa

Professors emeriti, Faculty of Science and Technology

Vladimir Hižnjakov
Academician, Professor emeritus
DrSci (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
W.Ostwaldi 1-B305
Agu Laisk
Academician, Professor emeritus
DrSci (Biology)
Jaak Kikas
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4608
Jaan Aarik
Professor emeritus
PhD (Applied Physics)
+372 737 4674
Teet Örd
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5575
Tõnu Kollo
Professor emeritus
cand (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
+372 737 5486
r 4073
Kalev Pärna
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5452
r 4076
Mati Tombak
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5473
r 3067
Tõnu Oja
Professor emeritus
cand (Biology)
+372 737 5076
+372 503 7049
Mare Koit
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
MR Jaanus Remme
Jaanus Remme
Professor emeritus
PhD (Biology)
+372 737 5031
+372 507 1261 (5031)
Mati Kilp
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5452
r 4076
Mati Abel
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5865
r 4078
Rein Rõõm
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
Jaak Aaviksoo
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 6737
+372 506 7337 (6737)
Peeter Saari
Professor emeritus
DrSci (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4611
r 4076
Arvi Freiberg
Professor emeritus
DrSci (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4612
Toivo Leiger
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 6420
517 7695 (6420)
r 4097
Jüri Kiho
Professor emeritus
cand (Engineering)
+372 737 5474
r 3067
Jaan Lellep
Professor Emeritus
DrSci (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5868
Mati Karelson
Professor emeritus
cand (Chemistry)
+372 737 5255
+372 502 1519
Raivo Mänd
Professor emeritus
cand (Biology)
+372 737 5070
+372 506 9849 (5070)
Jüri Tamm
Professor emeritus
cand (Chemistry)
+372 737 5159
Jakobi 2-221
Ott Kurs
Professor emeritus
cand (Geography)
+372 737 5087
ruum 236
Kalle Kaarli
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 6420
r 4097
Ene-Margit Tiit
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5486
r 4073
MR Juhan Sedman
Juhan Sedman
Professor emeritus
cand (Biology)
+372 737 5837
506 1517 (5037)