Doctoral theses defended in the Institute of Psychology


64. Kadri Arumäe
Personality traits and body weight: from accurate descriptions to tests of causation

63. Tõnis Tokko
The association of risky traffic behaviour with personality factors, lifestyle and biological predisposition, and a driving school intervention aimed at impulsivity awareness

62. Nino Gugushvili
Digital communication technologies and mental health: an interplay between usage types and user characteristics


61. Martin Kolnes
Appraisal driven modulation of attention control

60. Hedvig Sultson
Refining the constructs of positive and negative emotional eating


59. René Randver
Parkinson’s disease and depression: brain mechanisms and non-invasive brain stimulation based treatment strategies

58. Gerly Tamm
Multiple sources of variation in perception and working memory for facial emotional expressions


57. Katrin Kukk
Risk factors of binge eating and overeating – towards an integrated model


56. Kadi Tulver
An investigation of individual differences in the effects of priors on visual perception

55. Dmitri Rozgonjuk
Problematic smartphone use: behavioral, psychopathological, dispositional, and educational correlates

54. Jaan Tulviste
Modulation of decision-making by transcranial magnetic stimulation


53. Helen Uusberg
Studying the psychological mechanisms of affective individual differences with EEG correlates

52. Nele Põldver
An experimental exploration of automatic processes in visual perception


51. Aire Mill
Exploring the role of personality traits and age in the experience and recognition of emotions


50. Mariliis Vaht
Genes and alcohol use: effects of common genetic polymorphisms in general population

49. Astra Schults
First words of Estonian children: early communicative development


48. Mari-Liis Kaldoja
Mild traumatic brain injury in childhood: pre-injury social-emotional behavior, social-emotional and cognitive outcome and implications for attention rehabilitation

47. Uku Vainik
Towards a comprehensive framework for the psychological mechanisms of obesity and overeating

46. Renate Rutiku
Refining the methodology for investigating the neural correlates of consciousness

45. Anni Tamm
Conflicts and their management in early childhood and adolescence

44. Kelli Lehto
Depression- and anxiety-related gene variants: effects on personality traits and health-related behaviour


43. Inga Karton
Deceptive communication: the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation and the signatures of electroencephalography

42. Maria Tamm
Psychological and physiological implications of time perception

41. Kariina Laas
Neuropeptide S and mental health: A functional receptor gene variant and environment shaping traits and contributing to psychiatric disorders

40. Andero Uusberg
Electroencephalographic insights into affective attention

39. Carolina Murd
Mechanisms of processing visual motion information: Psychophysical, bioelectrical and transcranial magnetic stimulation investigations


38. Henrik Dobewall
Human values and subjective well-being: An exploration of individual and cultural differences, change across life span, and self-other agreement


37. Karin Täht
The cross-cultural view on students' motivation to learn

36. Triin Kurrikoff
Interpersonal relationships and behaviour: moderation by functional gene variants

35. Pirko Tõugu
"Where did we go last weekend?" Socialization of children through past-event reminiscing in various cultural contexts

34. Liisi Kööts-Ausmees
Emotional Experience: relations to personality, subjective well-being, recollection and external influences

33. Aire Raidvee
Pooling of elementary motion, colour, and orientation signals into global perception


32. Margus Kanarik
Inter-individual differences in vulnerability to depression: regional brain energy metabolism, serotonergic function and behaviour in animal models

31. Kersti Luuk
Antecedents and concomitants of adult psychological distress

30. Triin Hannust
Children's knowledge about the Earth and gravity and its change in the course of development and learning


29. Kadri Kõiv
Studies on monoaminergic regulation of inter-individual differences in exploratory behaviour and the activating and rewarding effects of psychostimulants in rats

28. Denis Matrov
Cerebral oxidative metabolism and effects of chronic variable stress in animal models of human affective styles

27. Iris Podar
Eating disorders, personality and cultural differences

26. Kirsti Akkermann
Serotonin-related biomarkers and symptoms of eating disorders


25. René Mõttus
Universal and specific features of personality traits in their various representations


24. Aet Alttoa
Neurochemical regulation of rat exploratory behaviour: focus on dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission

23. Tanel Mällo
Exploratory behaviour and 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats: behavioural and neurochemical profiles of persistent inter-individual differences


22. Marika Paaver
Types of impulsivity, their behavioural expression and association with the markers of vulnerability of serotonin system 

21. Iiris Luiga
Interaction of object perception and visual attentional selection processes 

20. Kaia Laidra
Adolescent personality: Development, interrater agreement, and relation to academic achievement 


19. Margus Tõnissaar
Stress and sociability: individual differences and their neurochemical substrate

18. Toivo Aavik
Lexical analysis of Estonian personal values vocabulary and relation to socially desirable responding and parenting practices

17. Kenn Konstabel
The structure and validity of self- and peer-reported personality traits


16. Helle Pullmann
The development of intelligence and personality traits among Estonian schoolchildren

15. Evelyn Kiive
Studies on peripheral markers of central serotonergic activity and behaviour


14. Riina Häidkind
Monoaminergic mechanisms in mood-associated behaviours and neurochemistry in rats

13. Kairi Kreegipuu
Availability and accessibility of information in perception of moving stimuli


12. Luule Mizera
Socialization in Estonian families: attitudes and behavior in comparative perspective


11. Talvi Kallasmaa
Personality traits and ways of coping: Their characteristics and interrelations

10. Anu Aluoja
Depression in the population: Assessment, prevalence, and realtionships with socio-demographic factors and cognitive aspect of social adjustment


9. Aune Valk
Two facets of ethnic identity: pride and differentiation

8. Anneli Kolk
Cognitive development of children with non-progressive unilateral brain lesion


7. Aaro Toomela
Cultural-historical psychology: three levels of analysis


6. Anu Realo
Individualism and collectivism: An exploration of individual and cultural differences


5. Eve Kikas
Conceptual development in school-aged children: The impact of teaching


4. Ritva Fagerström
The correlations between psychological factors and vision in aged cataract operation patients


3. Aleksander Pulver
Measurement of elementary movement vectors in human visual system

2. Dagmar Kutsar
Transformation in Estonia as reflected in families: Insight into social stress and poverty


1. Jüri Kruusvall
Environmental and social influence on human activity

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