Kadri Põldmaa Associate Professor in Mycology PhD (Botany and Mycology) +372 512 0743 (6173) kadri.poldmaa@ut.ee
Marko Prous Research Fellow in Biodiversity and Genomics PhD (Zoology) Vanemuise 46 marko.prous@ut.ee
Kätlin Koser Administrative Manager MA +372 737 6076 +372 5310 1604 Vanemuise 46-303 katlin.koser@ut.ee
Sergei Põlme Director of Collections PhD (Botany and Mycology) +372 5594 5041 J. Liivi 2-337 sergei.polme@ut.ee
Ave Suija Associate Professor in Lichenology PhD (Botany and Mycology) Vanemise 46-217 ave.suija@ut.ee
Irma Zettur Curator of Microbiological and Mycological Collections 0.75 p MSc (Natural Resources Management) Vanemuise 46-216, 217 irma.zettur@ut.ee
Marju Vahter Specialist in Mycological and Microbiological Collections 0.5 p Vanemuise 46-216 marju.vahter@ut.ee
Irma Zettur Curator of Microbiological and Mycological Collections MSc (Natural Resources Management) Vanemuise 46-216, 217 irma.zettur@ut.ee
Marju Vahter Specialist in Mycological and Microbiological Collections 0.5 p Vanemuise 46-216 marju.vahter@ut.ee
Sergei Põlme Director of Collections PhD (Botany and Mycology) +372 5594 5041 J. Liivi 2-337 sergei.polme@ut.ee
Urmas Kõljalg Professor in Mycology PhD (Ecology) +372 5341 2823 (6235) J. Liivi 2-333 urmas.koljalg@ut.ee
Kessy Abarenkov Associate Professor in Biodiversity Informatics PhD (Botany and Mycology) J. Liivi 2-334 kessy.abarenkov@ut.ee
Kristjan Adojaan Specialist in Biodiversity Informatics 0.6 p MSc (Didactics of Biology) +372 730 1040 +372 503 9306 Vanemuise 46-304 kristjan.adojaan@ut.ee
Külli Kalamees-Pani Coordinator for Nature Education 0.8 p MSc (Didactics of Biology) +372 534 25101 (3101) Vanemuise 46-249 kulli.kalamees-pani@ut.ee
Piret Pungas-Kohv Senior Specialist for Nature Education 0.25 p PhD (Human Geography) Lai 40 piret.pungas@ut.ee
Margit Hirv Specialist for Nature Education MSc (Botany and Mycology) +372 523 9736 (7736) Lai 40 margit.hirv@ut.ee
Riste Keskpaik Exhibition Curator 0.25 p MSc (Semiotics and Culture Studies) Lai 40 riste.keskpaik@ut.ee
Kätlin Koser Secretary-Information Specialist MA +372 737 6076 +372 5310 1604 Vanemuise 46-303 katlin.koser@ut.ee
Katrin Kolnes Facility Supervisor-Information Specialist 0.85 p +372 737 6077 Vanemuise 46 katrin.kolnes@ut.ee
Mariia Bochkova Guide 0.2 p MSc (Human Geography and Regional Planning) Vanemuise 46 mariia.bochkova@ut.ee