The Institute of Psychology awarded its best performers of the year 2023/2024

Näituse 2 õppehoone Uus Anatoomikum
Kertu Saar

At the graduation ceremony held on June 19, the Institute of Psychology of the University of Tartu once again recognized its best of the past year - outstanding master's theses and bachelor's research papers, the institute's most valued courses, the best scientific publications and the Institute's Acts of the Year in the eyes of both students and employees.

Best bachelor’s research papers in Psychology

Marika Adson: “The Effect of Reappraisal on the Event-Related Potential LPP While Increasing Positive Emotions
Supervisors: Helen Uusberg, Maria Krajuškina

Liisa Alpstål: “Appraisal Shifts and the Efficacy of Reappraisal to Increase Positive Emotions
Supervisors: Maria Krajuškina, Helen Uusberg

Anni-Mari de Bruyn: “Expressing Love Through Personal Values
Supervisor: Toivo Aavik

Madli Kaljo: “Comparison of psychedelic mixed reality experiences - an explorative study” (ENG)
Supervisors: Madis Vasser, Jaan Aru, Karl Kristjan Kaup

Kersti Kase: “WAIS-III intrasubtest scatter as a possible psychopathological marker in the assessment of the clinical group?
Supervisor: Kätlin Anni

Grete Olde: “The effect of reappraisal on corrugator supercilii and zygomaticus major activity while increasing positive emotions
Supervisors: Maria Krajuškina, Helen Uusberg

Marcella Laura Polverino: “Associating uncontrolled eating phenotype with brain profile through genetic correlates
Supervisors: Uku Vainik, Karolina Anja

Reena Roos: “The effect of negative affective state, depressiveness, and metacognitive abilities on working memory performance
Supervisor: Gerly Tamm

Liisa-Airiin Räis: “Associations between being ghosted and personal values in early adulthood
Supervisor: Annika Tamme

Eneli Veltmann: “The relationship of positive and negative affect and extraversion and neuroticism to emotional facial expressions
Supervisors: Kairi Kreegipuu, Liina Juuse

Best master's theses in Psychology

Liis Jõhvik: “Adapting and validating a screening questionnaire and a diagnostic interview for the avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder for the Estonian language and culture
Supervisors: Kirsti Akkermann, Kärol Soidla

Madli Kuus: “Associations of auditory and visual mismatch negativity with personality, depressiveness and anxiety
Supervisors: Kairi Kreegipuu, Liisi Ausmees, Nele Põldver

Master theses in Psychology with great practical value

Aina Ambrosius: “Adaptation of the POD-TEAMS stress management course into Estonian and piloting with a sample of Estonian school students
Supervisor: Ada Urm

Anna Leena Koržets: “Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the adapted depression symptom measure QIDS-SR and the anxiety symptom measure OASIS
Supervisor: Kariina Laas

Ethel Rosenfeldt: “ Youth Center's Peahea Brief Intervention Module-Based Analysis
Supervisor: Kariina Laas

Minna Sild: “The impact of the Peahea brief intervention on the mental health of 16-26 year olds
Supervisor: Kariina Laas

Best master's theses in Applied Behavioral Science

Jane Oblikas: “Involvement of the 65+ generation living in Estonia in regular voluntary activities”
Supervisors: Leonore Riitsalu, Kai Klandorf

Kristi Uusmaa: “Attitudes, barriers and possibilities of intervention related to the risk analysis of the working environment of Estonian industrial micro and small enterprises
Supervisors: Sille-Liis Männik, Andero Uusberg

Best courses of 2023

“Counselling Skills Training”
Kaia Kastepõld-Tõrs

STUDENTS SAY: One of the most practical and meaningful courses during master's studies. Attend as much as possible - Kaia's time is very valuable! One of the best ways to occupy your time and it is hard to even consider it mandatory. Very enjoyable learning and self-development!

“Introduction to Sexual Therapies”
Annika Tamme, Toivo Aavik, Kai Part, Made Laanpere, Kristel Rannaääre, Monika Vändra

THE STUDENTS SAY: Annika Tamme is an excellent lecturer who can speak engagingly and in such a way that the entire audience eventually speaks up and joins the discussion. She is very into her subject, very supportive and friendly. The first really practical subject in my 3 years of study!

“Methods of Case Study for Psychological Counsellors”
Tõnu Jürjen, Annika Tamme

STUDENTS SAY: Analyzing your own real case is a very useful task and opportunity! Attend the seminars even if they are not mandatory because you will get so much valuable information!

Best publications of 2023

Reappraising reappraisal: an expanded view in the journal Cognition and Emotion

Andero Uusberg, Brett Ford, Helen Uusberg, James J. Gross

An important development of one of the most influential theories about emotions (appraisal) in psychology today.

Processing emotions from faces and words measured by event-related brain potentials in the journal Cognition and Emotion

Liina Juuse, Kairi Kreegipuu, Nele Põldver, Annika Kask, Tiit Mogom, Gholamreza Anbarjafari, Jüri Allik

The work of a young researcher who discovered that facial expressions and emotional words automatically trigger the same early affective processes in the brain that are specific to a particular emotion.


KKT or Kata Kino Tuesdays

Highly engaging and meaningful movie and conversation nights with experts in the field, prepared in cooperation with undergraduate student Katariina Koemets and other members of the Estonian Psychology Students' Association.


The Estonian Center of Excellence of Well-Being Sciences

At the end of 2023, Professor Andero Uusberg managed to convince the committee of the Estonian Research Council to provide substantial funding for the creation of a center of excellence in well-being sciences under the leadership of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Tartu in cooperation with Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University. The center of excellence brings together social and natural scientists who study people and the contexts in which they act, in order to find new ways to measure, understand and influence people's well-being.

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