Media coverage

The researchers of the Institute of Psychology do their best to bring their daily scientific work closer to the people of Estonia and the world, and are also active spokespersons on socially burning issues. See below a selection of the appearances of our institute's employees in English-language media!


René Mõttus: What your JOB says about you: Take the test to see if your career reflects your personality - as scientists say the stereotypes about estate agents, actors, and accountants are TRUE. Daily Mail, November 1, 2024.

René Mõttus: Which Jobs Match Your Personality Traits? Psychology Today, November 3, 2024.

René Mõttus: What Makes People Satisfied With Their Lives? Psychology Today, October 6, 2024.

René Mõttus: The factor that makes some people happier than others. Svenska Dagbladet, September 16, 2024.

Tiia Tulviste, Jaan Tulviste: Study links higher screen time with poorer language skills in young children. The Medical News, September 12, 2024.

Tiia Tulviste, Jaan Tulviste: When parents are on their phones a lot, here’s what happens to their kids. CNN Health, September 12, 2024.

Tiia Tulviste, Jaan Tulviste: Kids in families with too much screen time struggle with language skills. EurekAlert, September 12, 2024.

René Mõttus: How personality traits predict life satisfaction: Insights from new study. PsyPost, July 2, 2024.

René Mõttus: Inherited traits can be overstated, study shows. Medical Xpress, May 2, 2024.

Kadri Arumäe: Personality traits can predict willingness to vaccinate. Research in Estonia, April 2024.

René Mõttus: Like father, like son? The complex factors that shape a parent’s influence on their child. The Guardian, April 27, 2024.

René Mõttus: Like father, like son? Think again! People inherit surprisingly little of their personality from their parents, study reveals. Daily Mail, April 24, 2024.

René Mõttus: Scientists claim children are less their parents than previously thought. Express UK, April 24, 2024.

René Mõttus: Children are less like their parents than we thought, study finds. The Times, April 23, 2024.

Anu Realo: Sisu: The Finnish Secret of Inner Strength and Resilience. Psychology Today, March8, 2023.

Uku Vainik et al.: What is obesity? Economist Impact, The Science of Obesity series. March, 2024.

Anu Realo: The Idea of the Mobile Personality Revisited. New research reveals how personality impacts cross-border mobility. Psychology Today, February 6, 2023.

Kadri Arumäe, Uku Vainik: Are people with overweight more assertive? Research in Estonia, April 2022.

Anni Tamm, Tiia Tulviste: What matters to small children? Research in Estonia, September 2021.

Uku Vainik, Kadri Arumäe: Does personality influence body weight or vice versa? Research in Estonia, August 2021.

Tiia Tulviste: Silence Is Not Golden: Interactive Talk Promotes Children’s Speech Development. Research in Estonia, May 2021.

Talis Bachmann et al.: Hallucinations can also be experienced by healthy people. Research in Estonia, October 2020.

Andero Uusberg: Emotion regulation after a lost election. Research in Estonia, April 2020.

Uku Vainik: Can obesity be compared with addiction? Research in Estonia, November, 2019.

Dmitri Rozgonjuk: How excessive smartphone use may take its toll on mental health. Research in Estonia, October 2019.


René Mõttus: Do we get our personality from our parents? Moncrieff Highlights, April 29, 2024.

René Mõttus about the familial transmission of personality traits on Tonight with Andrew Marr, April 25, 2024.

René Mõttus, Bill Revelle, Bob Hogan: What makes personality science useful? Personality Psychology Podcast, March 2024.

René Mõttus, Wiebke Bleidorn, Chris Hopwood: Life events and personality change. Personality Psychology Podcast, December 2023.

René Mõttus, Mathias Allemand, Gabriel Olaru, Christoph Flückiger: Personality change interventions. Personality Psychology Podcast, October 2023.

René Mõttus, Gabriella Harari, Kai Horstmann, Whitney Ringwald: Personality states. Personality Psychology Podcast, May 2023.

René Mõttus, Michel Nivard: Behaviour Genetics. Personality Psychology Podcast, November 2022.

René Mõttus, Laura Blackie, Eranda Jayawickreme: Post-traumatic growth. Personality Psychology Podcast, June 2022.

René Mõttus, Ian Deary: Intelligence. Personality Psychology Podcast, February 2022.

René Mõttus, Patrick Hill: Personality science and helping people to change. Personality Psychology Podcast, January 2022.

René Mõttus, Jeff McCrae: The past, present, and controversies of personality trait psychology. Personality Psychology Podcast, October 2021.

René Mõttus, Joanna Sosnowska: Personality in the work context. Personality Psychology Podcast, April 2021.

René Mõttus, Julia Rohrer, Jaap Denissen: Introducing personality psychology. Personality Psychology Podcast, January 2021.

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