Research in the Institute of Psychology

The landscape of psychological science is wide and in turn is the basis for many other fields that have to do with people and their relationship with the world. Therefore, for a small institute, the topic of our research is also versatile, and world-class research is carried out in several fields. Mainly:

  • how mental processes relate to both mental and physical health is studied; 
  • how a person perceives and feels the world around them; 
  • why and how people differ from each other;
  • how culture, school and other environments affect human development;
  • how interpersonal relationships work. 

In these areas, we deal with both research concerning the basic principles of scientific psychology and more practical projects.

Health and well-being

Cognitive and affective psychology

Personality psychology

Developmental and social psychology

People associated with the Institute of Psychology of the University of Tartu constantly publish research papers in the world's leading scientific journals and are also involved in the editing of prestigious scientific journals. The work of our researchers often receives both national and international recognition. Among the institute's employees are members of the Academy of Sciences and heads of professional associations. Our researchers take the floor in media on important issues in society and have also spoken out at the government's scientific council.

Modern research techniques such as eye movement monitoring, electroencephalography (EEG), recording of brain metabolism (fNIRS) and others are used in various laboratory rooms of the institute.

Our institute is also the main breeding ground for the next generation of Estonian psychological researchers. At the University of Tartu, it is possible to acquire psychology education up to the doctoral degree. As a rule, several research works by students of the Institute of Psychology are noted in the annual national student research competition. The teaching and research work of the Institute of Psychology is world-class - the University of Tartu's psychology degree is a quality mark worldwide.

See a video of our researchers!

Psühholoogia instituudi uurijad laboris

Research groups in the Institute of Psychology

Teadusajakirjad. Kertu Saar

Publications from the Institute of Psychology

doktoritöö ja lilled

Doctoral theses defended in the Institute of Psychology