#admissions #university #first-year student #news
The updated virtual tour of the University of Tartu at virtualtour.ut.ee/en enables everyone interested to get to know the university’s learning and research environment already before arriving there. In addition, the tour gives an overview of bicycle parking and accessibility at the university buildings.
#recognition  #news
At the graduation ceremony held on June 19, the Institute of Psychology of the University of Tartu once again recognized its best of the past year.
#institute #governance #news
Psühholoogia instituudi nõukogu valis 27. mai koosolekul instituudi juhatajaks senise juhi, eksperimentaalpsühholoogia professori Kairi Kreegipuu.
#for student #news
From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.


Our institute conducts world-class research in a number of fields - developmental psychology, affective and cognitive psychology, personality and social psychology, clinical and health psychology, and more. People associated with the institute publish more than 50 research papers each year in the world's leading scientific journals and some of our employees belong to the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

Read more about our research topics and projects


The Institute of Psychology of the University of Tartu is the leading provider of psychological education in Estonia. In our institute one can study psychology on the Bachelor's and Master's levels where the studies are conducted mostly in Estonian. International students with previous experience in psychology are welcome to our PhD studies which are passable in English.

Read more about our study opportunities


The researchers and lecturers of the Institute of Psychology are ready to pass on their knowledge in many forms. We conduct research with applied value, offer consultations and courses.

Applied research



About the Institute

The Institute of Psychology is small but active. Our education is valued and our staff are recognized scientists and active shapers of society. We are characterized by close cooperation with social scientists, economists, jurists, political scientists, educators and many other colleagues and students, who together form the broadest field of social sciences in Estonia.

Contacts and employees

Media coverage

Awards and acknowledgements



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