Psychology courses on demand

The Institute of Psychology of the University of Tartu has an international level of scientific competence in researching and measuring psychological attributes in people. These knowledge and skills must also find a practical application.

Open courses

We offer courses with open registration, information about them can be obtained from Kertu Ird in the Institute of Psychology or from the University of Tartu continuing education website.

Custom courses

It is also possible to order science-based courses on many psychological topics that meet the needs of your institution. We always put the course together with the customer, taking into account your needs and wishes. Some examples of the topics we can cover:

  • communication skills
  • cooperation
  • motivation
  • self-regulation
  • time management
  • stress and mental well-being
  • eating behavior

Examples of conducted courses

Some of our institute's long-term training partners are The National Institute for Health Development (basic counseling skills, counseling a patient with an addictive disorder), The Police and Border Guard Board (interrogation of minors, effective communication skills) and the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, on whose behalf we developed a series of webinars improving general skills (study skills, analytical skills, initiating activities, achieving goals, adapting to changes, creativity and problem solving, communication skills).

It is possible to adapt the already existing courses to another customer's needs.

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