Kantar Emor survey: University of Tartu is by far the most reputable higher education institution in Estonia

Results of the annual university reputation survey conducted this spring among Estonian residents aged 15–74 by Kantar Emor confirm that people of all age groups consider the University of Tartu to be Estonia’s most reputable higher education institution. According to the respondents, the University of Tartu diploma is highly valued in the labour market, and high-level research is done and excellent education is offered at the university.

The most reputable university in Estonia is the University of Tartu, the university with the longest history – so said 84% of the nearly 1200 respondents. 92% of the respondents spontaneously mentioned the University of Tartu as the first choice af all higher education institutions.

Responses to the survey show that the University of Tartu’s reputation relies, above all, on high-level education and research, and the high value of the diploma in the labour market. In addition, respondents regard the competition for studies at the University of Tartu as tight and university graduates as successful. Also, the internationality of the national university is seen as a great advantage.

When asked what surprised her and why good reputation is important for the university, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the University of Tartu Aune Valk said, “The survey did not include much news for the university, and that’s good. More than 90% of people think that the education given at the University of Tartu is at a high level, that we are reliable and that the university diploma is highly valued in the labour market. It is important that young people and their parents have confidence in the quality of higher education we provide here, as all universities around the world are open to smart school-leavers and thus, competition is fierce. Only by operating internationally and at the world level are we creating a university that is attractive also for very strong candidates. Recent data show that about 90% of the best school-leavers apply for studies at Estonian universities and nearly 2/3 of them, at the University of Tartu. To these young people we are offering, for the third year already, a special programme, “Talents to Tartu”.”

Every spring Kantar Emor conducts the university reputation survey to find out the general reputation of Estonian higher education institutions among the Estonian population. The survey was conducted in April and May this year for the 11th time already; the respondents were 1,130 residents of Estonia aged 15–74.


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