Topic: open science

Professor Sabine Andresen gave lecture “Ask us! Participatory research’s potential and limitations in childhood and family research”
A day earlier, professor Andresen will be appointed Honorary Doctor in Sociology of the University of Tartu.
Personality profiles of hundreds of professions published in new study by University of Tartu researchers
Journalists often possess neurotic qualities, while psychologists consider themselves skilled influencers. A study by researchers at the University of Tartu and the University of Edinburgh described which personality traits are common among people in certain jobs.
Professor Sabine Andresen's public lecture "Lessons from survivors’ reports about child sexual abuse. The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany"
On 26 August, from 14:15 to 15:45, Sabine Andresen, Professor of Social Pedagogy and Family Research at the Department of Educational Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, will give a public lecture "Lessons from survivors’ reports about child sexual abuse. The Independent Inquiry into child sexual abuse in Germany", in Room 215 at Lossi 36.
Consultations on behavioural science
The researchers and lecturers of the Institute of Psychology are ready to share their expertise as experts, consultants or advisors.
12. July 2024 open scienceservices
Applied Research in Psychology
Lisaks alusuuringutele tegeletakse psühholoogia instituudis mitmesuguste rakendusuuringutega.
12. July 2024 open scienceservices
Lecture series “Between the ears”: Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging
On August 30 at 10.30, Associate Professor Yannick Stephan from the University of Montpellier (France) will give a lecture on “Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging” as part of the “Between the Ears” lecture series.